Join HelpAlert’s FREE trial

Try any device for 14 days FREE


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Trial Today


Trial Today

Join us today by clicking the trial button or
call us on our freephone 0808 304 2338

Trial Today
Close-up image of the alarm button on a HelpAlert personal alarm device.

How it works

New members are eligible to try out any HelpAlert device for 14 days free, with no upfront costs.

With our FREE trial, you get full access to HelpAlert for 14 days. If you decide HelpAlert is not for you, simply return your device within the trial window.

HelpAlert trials come with your choice of device from the selection above.

If HelpAlert is not for you, just cancel and send your device back. Once your trial ends, you’ll automatically join either our monthly or Annual subscription

14 Day FREE Trial with any device

With free next-day delivery


Trial Today

You will receive an email from HelpAlert reminding you of the number of days remaining in your trial period.
You’ll be given the option to return your device or purchase a renewal to stay with us.

Yes, but you must do so before your 14 day trial period is over. To change your renewal plan please call us freephone 0808 304 2338